The Tűzkő Estate is located in Hungary, in the small municipality of Bátaapáti, nestled in the gently rolling hills of Tolna’s wine region, 150 kilometers south of Budapest and 30 kilometers west of the Danube River. Tűzkő Birtok, one of the oldest wineries in Hungary, was owned by the noble Counts of Apponyi family, originally of French descent, whose lineage dates back to the early Eighteenth century. Tűzkő’s production philosophy aims at achieving the best expression of each grape variety by single varietal winemaking, both white and red grape varieties.
Classic expressions of the most representative grape varieties grown on the estate are wines that are extremely fresh and amiable.
Sourced from the estate’s very best vineyards, these wines are elegant and aromatic expressions of the estate’s diversified terroirs.
Tűzkő Domb was crafted from a careful selection of grapes from the best vineyard parcels on the estate and is made only in exceptional vintages.
Founded in 1799, Tűzkő is one of the oldest wineries in Hungary, owned for many years by the French family of the Counts of Apponyi. The estate’s recent history began in the early 1990’s when its great potential for producing fine quality wines drew the attention of important wine makers including Jacopo Mazzei and Piero Antinori. Inspired by the quality of the wines, in 2000 the Antinori family decided to take over management of the winery together with the Mazzei family.